Traffic engineering uses engineering techniques to achieve the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. It focuses mainly on research and analysis of existing/future conditions to make recommendations for the infrastructure (i.e. roads, traffic signs and traffic signals) necessary for this movement.

Palisene Traffic Impact Analysis, Phoenix

CivTech completed a traffic impact analysis (TIA) for the Palisene development. This TIA was submitted to the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD) for approval then submitted to the City of Phoenix for approval. Continual coordination with ASLD, the City of Phoenix, the City of Scottsdale and the Client occurred throughout the project duration. As part of the TIA and submittal process through ASLD, CivTech prepared the TIA per the City of Phoenix guidelines. In addition, CivTech was responsible for updating the TIA per the revised master street plan. Tasks included updating the traffic assessment to reflect the changes in the Collector Road alignments, updating surrounding land uses per changes in zoning categories and densities, updating the intersection analyses and turn lane analyses per the revised traffic assignment, revising the graphics and the text. This project demonstrates CivTech’s ability to coordinate extensively with multiple public agencies to address all concerns needed for final approval of the project.

Palisene Traffic Impact Analysis, Phoenix

Estrella Mountain Ranch Recreation Center and Water Park Shared Parking Analysis, Goodyear

CivTech completed a shared parking study and the right-turn lane deceleration analysis per the request of both the City and the client. To accurately perform this analysis several factors were addressed including hours of operation, peak parking hours, and peak seasonal use. The analysis was completed to the standards presented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Shared Parking using parking data given in the Parking Generation Manual. This required coordination with current City traffic standards and insight from the project’s land planner.

Estrella Mountain Ranch Recreation Center and Water Park Shared Parking Analysis, Goodyear

SR 89A Crash Analysis and Safety Evaluation, Sedona

CivTech was contracted by the City of Sedona to perform an evaluation which would assist the City with determining the implications of taking back portions of State Route 89A from ADOT jurisdiction. In developing potential recommendations, numerous studies, standards, programs and safety committee correspondence were reviewed. Twelve years of crash data was analyzed along with identifying safety, maintenance, repairs or improvements that were needed along SR 89A in order to meet the current minimum highway safety standards. The study includes countermeasures to resolve the pedestrian and bicycle issues, such as medians with pedestrian barriers, enhanced crossings, street lighting and bike lanes. Several cost effective recommendations were developed that have the potential to alleviate the greatest number of crashes for the least amount of money. A cost-benefit matrix was developed clearly illustrating the pros and cons of each countermeasure. A presentation to the City Council was made at the conclusion of the study. Additional work included assisting the City with information for Public Meetings by preparing aerial enhanced maps showing the striping, medians and potential locations of additional crossings as well as a simulated pedestrian crossing to provide a visual guide.

SR89A Crash Analysis

Hawes Road & SR 202 Interchange Pavement Marking Plans, Mesa

CivTech recently completed pavement marking and traffic control plans for the unstriped parallel entrance and exit ramps for the Hawes Road and State Route 202 (SR 202) interchange. SR 202 lies within the City of Mesa, but is controlled by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). The plans were prepared according to ADOT standards and procedures and were developed for the 60%, 95% and Final Specifications and Cost Estimates (PS&E) packages. The PS&E packages also included the Cost Estimate and Quantity Calculations prepared to ADOT standards. CivTech worked closely with the Client, City of Mesa and ADOT staff to meet the established schedule and needs. This project highlights CivTech’s ability to effectively communicate with various public agencies while maintaining both time and budget.

Hawes Road & SR 202 Interchange Pavement Marking Plans, Mesa

Agate Steel and Construction Traffic Impact Statement, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

A statement was prepared for Agate Steel and Construction for submittal to the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRP-MIC) to determine the traffic impact that the Agate facility has and will have on traffic conditions in the surrounding area. SRP-MIC required the traffic statement in order for Agate to obtain approval of a new long-term lease on its site within the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. Based on the results of the study, it was determined mitigation measures and/or improvements were not warranted at that time.

Agate Steel and Construction Traffic Impact Statement, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

Juniper Point Development Master Plan Traffic Impact Analysis, Flagstaff

Juniper Point is a proposed master planned development encompassing approximately 300 acres south of Interstate 40, north of John Wesley Powell Boulevard, and east of the new Lone Tree Road alignment. This was the first true traditional neighborhood design (TND) development to test the City’s newly developed TND standards. The development will include more than 1,600 residential dwelling units, 30,000 square feet of commercial, 40,000 square feet of office space, as well as municipal land uses and parks. The proposed development has the potential to generate 11,290 daily external trips. This includes reductions for mode transfer related to TND, interaction internal to the development, and due to the number of second homes anticipated within the development. This project, which incorporated Form Based Code, required a multimodal and creative design approach to accurately predict future traffic volumes generated externally to the site. Both traditional trip generation and traffic models provided by the Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization (FMPO) were used to establish the project impacts and meet the requirements for the Regional Plan amendment. Using both methods serves as a validation and check of projected traffic, levels of services, and total estimated impact. Roadway segment analysis and comparison to the FMPO model results was completed for 2004 and build-out. Intersection analysis was completed for the 2010, 2015, and 2025 horizon years.

Juniper Point Development Master Plan Traffic Impact Analysis, Flagstaff

Camelback Ranch Spring Training Facility Traffic Impact Analysis Phoenix

CivTech conducted a traffic impact analysis for the proposed Major League Baseball Spring Training Facility and mixed-use commercial center. The site for the project encompasses 151 acres and is located on the northwest corner of 107th Avenue and Camelback Road. The project includes 13 full size baseball fields with an approximate capacity of 13,000 seats used by the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Chicago White Sox. The final document provided a traffic management plan and recommendations for movement of traffic on game days, items not typically included in a traffic impact analysis but necessary to plan roadway infrastructure for this type of facility. (07-600)

Camelback Ranch Spring Training Facility Traffic Impact Analysis Phoenix

Housing Development Trip Generation Statement, Gila River Indian Community

CivTech prepared a trip generation statement for an 81 dwelling unit, two-phase housing development with two access points to State Route 587 south of Chandler. The statement was supplemented with a right- and left-turn lane assessment and provided preliminary geometry for these turn lanes. CivTech also provided a review of the engineering plans for the turn lanes.

Housing Development Trip Generation Statement, Gila River Indian Community

Santeo 101 Traffic Impact Analysis, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

impact analysis to address traffic and transportation impacts of the proposed development on the surrounding streets and intersections. The specific objectives of the study were to evaluate lane requirements, traffic control changes, access points along Pima Road and McDonald Drive, and to determine future level of service for all existing and proposed intersections. CivTech also coordinated the access point along McDonald Drive with the City of Scottsdale and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). Both Pima Road and McDonald Drive are within the jurisdictions of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and the City of Scottsdale, but are maintained by ADOT through an Intergovernmental Agreement.

Santeo 101 Traffic Impact Analysis, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

Copper Mountain Ranch Traffic Impact Analysis, Maricopa County

Encompassing six sections of land, the Copper Mountain Ranch development master plan provides land uses that make a self-contained city. Special detail was placed on the transportation impacts of the project phasing. An iterative process was employed through the use of a directive traffic technique providing one major arterial and two minor arterials, saving an extra twenty feet of right-of-way within the project for a three mile stretch. An offsite improvement implementation plan was established to allow construction of necessary roadway widths, while preserving the corridor right-of-way for future widening as additional phases were developed. Data collection, peak hour counts, trip generation and distribution, traffic projections and modeling, mitigation analysis, queuing analysis, signal warrant analysis, street classification, and phasing were all completed for this traffic impact analysis

Copper Mountain Ranch Traffic Impact Analysis, Maricopa County


Transportation planning examines and evaluates the potential of future actions to improve movement of people and goods by motor vehicle, public transportation, walking and cycling in accordance with a set of objectives. Transportation planning balances the needs of access mobility and safety with environmental, economic and social equity concerns.

Tempe Core Small Area Transportation Study, Tempe

CivTech is completing a small area transportation study for the ASU and the City of Tempe that includes the north portion of Tempe. A transportation model was developed in TransCAD for the area from Priest Drive to Loop 101 and the Loop 202 to Apache Boulevard. The intent of the study is to determine the transportation network within ASU and along the surrounding roadway network to accommodate the entitlement density within the downtown core. Extensive coordination has been required with ASU, City of Tempe and the Developer of the Athletic Facilities District to confirm proposed development densities, calibrate the traffic demand model and discuss potential recommended transportation improvements within the study area.

Tempe Core Small Area Transportation

Transit Development Plan, Casa Grande

CivTech was retained to lead the Casa Grande Transit Development Plan for the City of Casa Grande and the Sun Corridor Metropolitan Planning Organization. Casa Grande is now an urbanized area and qualifies for formula federal transit funds. This project is developing alternatives and a selected option for local service connected to regional service from Florence and Coolidge. The project includes a major public education and outreach effort.

Transit Development Plan, Casa Grande

Rural Paratransit Needs Assessment, Maricopa County, AZ

CivTech was just retained to begin an assessment of Rural Paratransit Needs in areas of the MAG region outside of the urbanized area. Cuts in LTAF II and state non-emergency medical transportation funds have lessened the abilities of agencies to provide mobility services in these areas. The assessment will evaluate levels and locations of need, and develop strategies to address needs.

Regionally Significant Routes for Safety and Mobility Evaluation, Pinal County

This evaluation had three main components: review of existing studies; evaluation of new scenarios; and, recommendations for alternate access management. CivTech reviewed the Regionally Significant Routes for Safety and Mobility (RSRSM) model and final documentation, as provided by the County’s consultant, to document the basic assumptions for the RSRSM report and model, and compare those to the Pinal County Small Area Transportation Plan and the Pinal County Comprehensive Plan. CivTech was provided with a copy of the most current TransCAD model for the RSRSM study. This TransCAD model was utilized to evaluate the impact of adding high capacity parkway corridors within the network, thereby upgrading several principal arterials to parkway classifications. It was concluded that parkways within the County’s roadway network can be used effectively to efficiently draw longer commuter trips off the arterial streets. The increased capacity offered by parkways will also ultimately accommodate the significant growth expected to occur within the County. CivTech reviewed the current RSRSM recommendations regarding access along parkways, principal arterials, and minor arterials, reviewed several existing guidelines used in other jurisdictions as a comparison, offered alternate access management recommendations (to better accommodate the adjacent land uses), and summarized the implications of these proposed changes.


I-10/Tangerine Road Traffic Interchange Traffic Report and Area Transportation Model, Marana

CivTech is currently working with T.Y. Lin International, the Town of Marana, Arizona Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Pima County, and the Pima Association of Governments to prepare a Traffic Impact Analysis and Change of Access Report utilizing the regional travel demand modeling software TransCAD to study the future build-out conditions within Marana. The model encompasses a 12-mile diameter study area, and has been developed using assumptions approved by the Town. As a result of developing the TransCAD model, extensive coordination with the Town of Marana has occurred to refine the Land Use Plan proposed in the General Plan, as well as the Transportation Circulation Plan. The report will supplement the Design Concept Report and the Environmental Categorical Exclusion. CivTech’s ability to coordinate between multiple agencies and teams has provided guiding information to both Marana and ADOT on the future of their transportation systems. Recommendations resulting from the analysis have provided realistic and useful information which all agencies can utilize as they move forward with other projects. CivTech’s TransCAD model will be made available for incorporation into the PAG model once the project is approved by all agencies.

I-10/Tangerine Road Traffic Interchange Traffic Report and Area Transportation Model, Marana

US 60/Grand Avenue Access Management Plan, Surprise

The project limits for this Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) corridor study included a more than eighteen mile segment from the SR 303L (Estrella Freeway) to SR 74. The study corridor is proposed to be developed as an Arizona Parkway (indirect-left parkway). CivTech was responsible for: analyzing the existing conditions to determine the existing capacity being utilized; forecasting build-out traffic volumes by utilizing MAG transportation models, in combination with researching surrounding area proposed developments to determine traffic impacts from these planned developments. The purpose of this study was to document and compare existing traffic conditions to the projected future (2030 and build-out) traffic conditions within the study area in order to develop recommendations for major interchange/intersection types and access management guidelines. Once the initial model was developed it was used to test interchange and intersection type and ultimately configuration options (grade-separated direct left intersections, at-grade indirect left intersections, directional diamond interchanges, etc.) to determine their overall impact on the corridor. Analysis of the build-out intersection capacities, along with other factors including available right-of-way and environmental impacts, were used to develop the preferred alternatives and access management recommendations. CivTech actively participated in and presented at government and public participation meetings. Extensive coordination occurred with multiple agencies/consultants, including the MAG, Arizona Department of Transportation, City of Surprise, area property owners, and other stakeholders to accurately reflect the interests in the area.

US 60 & Grand Avenu

Loop 303 Small Area Transportation Study, Glendale

The Loop 303 Corridor Transportation Master Plan includes 6,200 acres, in an area that is proposed to be a focal point of economic and employment interest within the expanding West Valley. This project has a unique location near Luke Air Force Base and a major transportation network consisting of the Loop 303 and Northern Parkway. In order to facilitate the effective development of their lands, a consortium of property owners have joined together to work with the City of Glendale to provide municipal services to the area. CivTech was responsible for all traffic related management, deliverables, and coordination. The purpose of this report was to document and compare existing traffic conditions to the planned future (2010, 2015, 2020, and 2030) within the study area. Once the initial model was developed it was used to test roadway alignment options and land use changes to determine their overall impact. Roadway improvements, such as the number of travel lanes, traffic control type, auxiliary turn lanes, and additional arterial/collector roadway network, were recommended for each analysis year. The modeling effort documented future traffic conditions in five year increments and provided a detailed project list within the study area for the City’s CIP process. Coordination occurred with multiple agencies/consultants, including the Maricopa Associate of Governments, City of Glendale, area property owners, the Northern Parkway planning efforts, and the Loop 303 planning efforts to accurately reflect the interests in the area. This project showcases CivTech’s ability to produce large-scale travel demand modeling, and our exceptional ability to coordinate between multiple agencies and teams to successfully complete projects.

Loop 303 Small Area Transportation Study, Glendale

Thomas Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements, 64th Street to Pima Road, Scottsdale

CivTech was part of the Thomas Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Study team. The goal of this project was to focus on the improvement of the walking and bicycling paths along the approximately three miles. Major elements of the project included sidewalk enhancement and widening, upgrading curb ramps and driveway entrances to current City standards, and adding bicycle lanes and grade separated crossings. CivTech evaluated the existing accident experience, number of access locations and provisions for access management, transit ridership and stop locations, speed limits, ADA accessibility of sidewalk, and lane widths to determine what changes may be implemented along the corridor. This project has enabled CivTech to explore alternatives for obtaining additional roadway space while still providing necessary improvements for pedestrians, bicyclists, landscaping, and public art. This project highlights CivTech’s ability to provide multi-modal traffic engineering services, to provide comprehensive analysis, and to develop creative solutions.

Thomas Rd Bike & Ped Improvement

Copperleaf Traffic Interchange Traffic Report and Area Transportation Model, Tonopah

The Copperleaf TI traffic report and change of access report were prepared by CivTech to document the existing and future traffic conditions of the study area that includes a four mile stretch of Interstate 10. CivTech, through extensive coordination with the Maricopa Association of Governments, Arizona Department of Transportation, and Maricopa Country Department of Transportation, the Hassayampa Framework Study, and planned developments in the area, developed the TransCAD model to project future traffic conditions. The modeling process included several roadway alignment changes, land use changes, and coordination with multiple agencies. The reports supplemented the Design Concept Report and the Environmental Categorical Exclusion for this proposed roadway project.

Villaggio Montana PAD Transportation Model, Flagstaff

Villaggio Montana is a mixed-use master planned development on approximately 1,000 acres of undeveloped land. This project is located southwest of the junction of Interstate 17 and Interstate 40. CivTech was the lead traffic/transportation engineer for this joint effort with the private development community and the Arizona State Land Department. Special detail was placed on the transportation impact of the project phasing. An iterative process was utilized, which saved twenty feet of right-of-way (ROW) for a three mile stretch, and an off-site improvement plan was established to allow construction of roads while preserving ROW for future phases. The City of Flagstaff provided an existing TransCAD model for our adjustment and evaluation of the street network. In addition to the traffic engineering services provided, CivTech attended numerous public meetings for the project. CivTech was instrumental in the coordination effort between the City of Flagstaff, Flagstaff Municipal Planning Organization, Arizona Department of Transportation, and Coconino County during the planning process.

Villaggio Montana PAD Transportation Model, Flagstaff


Traffic design focuses mainly on the physical design of the traffic engineering concepts/recommendations for the infrastructure (i.e. roads, traffic signs and traffic signals) improvements necessary to achieve the safe and efficient movement of people and goods.

Lower Basin Path Lighting, El Mirage

CivTech prepared the lighting plans for the Lower El Mirage Basin located in the southwest quadrant of Cactus Road and El Mirage Road. Since a traditional use of an underground conduit system to provide power to the path lights was not practical due to water retention in the basin, CivTech worked with the City to identity various solar path light/bollards and after evaluating the various lighting options, made a recommendation to the City. The majority of the path is below the 10-year flood elevation and during 10-year storm event, any underground conduit and wiring would be under water and would become damaged. In order to minimize maintenance and eliminate any monthly utility costs, we recommended the installation of Solar Lights.

El Mirage

5th Street Streetscape, Tempe

CivTech will be preparing roadway lighting, art lighting, and landscape lighting plans as part of the City of Tempe’s streetscape improvement project. The project involves landscape architecture, traffic engineering, and civil engineering to investigate and develop a streetscape for an iconic multi-modal corridor in Downtown Tempe. The streetscape will include landscaping, street furniture, shade structures, roadway and pedestrian lighting, landscape uplighting, and incorporation of art elements. The project includes design charrettes and stakeholder meetings to receive input for all stakeholders identified in the corridor. CivTech is performing a traffic analysis to identify the impacts of implementing access control along the corridor and as well as the impacts of back in angle parking. In addition, CivTech is evaluating the existing lighting and will be preparing roadway lighting, art lighting and landscape lighting plans for the project.

Porter Road at Adams Way and Smith Enke Road at Porter Road Traffic Signal Designs, Maricopa

As part of CivTech’s On-call Contract with the City of Maricopa, two traffic signal designs were performed at intersections that were a source of public concern and comment due to high traffic volumes. The City requested an evaluation, design and construction specifications to install traffic signals and make other necessary improvements at these two intersections. Through this particular task order, a complete set of bid documents including traffic signal installation plans, signing and striping plans, roadway/intersection improvement plans, construction special provisions, baseline timing plans, and construction cost estimate were prepared. In addition, utility coordination, bidding and construction phase assistance will be provided.

Porter Road at Adams Way and Smith

Maricopa Casa Grande Highway at Porter Road Interconnect Plans, Maricopa

In order to enhance the traffic flow and mobility within the City of Maricopa, interconnect plans were engineered between four traffic signals located within a span of approximately ¾ of a mile. The four traffic signals were located in the near proximity of the intersection of Porter Road and Maricopa Casa Grande Highway. The following lists of tasks were completed: construction drawings, technical specifications, design of conductors, updates to existing equipment, conductor schedules, bid support and all other tasks associated with developing bid documents for the signal interconnect.

Maricopa County Department of Transportation On-Call Traffic Engineering Services, Maricopa County

Arizona Department of Transportation S/W On-Call Design Services District Minor Projects

CivTech completed a traffic impact analysis to analyze the existing and propose conditions at the Steve’s Boulevard/Route 66 intersection and adjacent shopping center/Route 66 driveway. This analysis was conducted to determine the required queue storage for all turn lanes and to assess the need for the existing shopping center driveway. CivTech assisted in the preparation of a Scoping Document that recommends a single, preferred alternative for adding a right-turn lane along westbound Route 66. CivTech then designed the right-turn deceleration lane along Steve’s Boulevard and Santa Fe Avenue, which also required modification of the traffic signal. This project also required CivTech to coordinate and attend project meetings. This project was jointly funded by the Flagstaff Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Arizona Department of Transportation. During the course of this project CivTech was able to utilize both our analysis skills to perform the study and make appropriate recommendations, and our design skills to design the recommended right-turn lane and associated traffic signal modification that was necessitated by the additional right-turn lane.

Steves Blvd & Route 66

Coldwater Springs Promenade Traffic Signal Design, Avondale

This new traffic signal was designed for the intersection of 117th Avenue/Van Buren Street, and modifications were designed for the existing traffic signal on the southwest corner of Avondale Boulevard/Van Buren Street necessitated by the development of the Coldwater Springs Promenade.

Lowes Sierra Vista, Sierra Vista

CivTech prepared the traffic signal progression analysis for a 1.2 mile segment of Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway. This segment contained six (6) signalized intersections with various spacing. CivTech analyzed the corridor for three (3) time periods, AM, Midday and PM peak hours. CivTech analyzed three (3) signal cycle lengths for each scenario and developed level of service analyses and bandwidths for five (5) speed limits. Using the outcomes of these analyses and coordination with the City of Sierra Vista staff, CivTech developed timing plans with offsets to ensure progression of traffic through the Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway

Sierra Vista Traffic Signal

Scottsdale Road Improvements, Scottsdale

As part of the improvement plans for Scottsdale Road, CivTech designed a traffic signal for Scottsdale Road/Thunderbird Road and prepared a traffic signal modification plan for 73rd Street/Thunderbird Road. This project realigned 73rd Street to provide the required intersection spacing and signal synchronization between the two key intersections. A design concept report level traffic analysis was prepared to provide recommendations for storage lengths and identify the need for dual left-turn lanes and locations for existing median closures. Unique options for lane configuration and tapering were used to avoid additional right-of-way takes on portions of land lying within the City of Phoenix. Due to the close proximity of the signals (750 feet), a signal interconnect plan was provided to maximize operational efficiency and reduce overall delay. A traffic signal progression plan was prepared within the project limits to properly time the new signal within the existing system. Both traffic signal timing and multiple signal coordination were obtained using Synchro software. Traffic engineering work included traffic analysis and traffic design work included traffic signal, signing and pavement marking, and intelligent transportation systems design.

Scottsdale Road Improvements, Scottsdale

Maricopa County Department of Transportation On-Call Traffic Engineering Services, Maricopa County

CivTech completed several projects under the MCDOT on-call contract, three of which are discussed below.

  • CivTech evaluated and updated the signal timing plans for 17 intersections in four corridors located within Sun City, Peoria, and Maricopa County. Using Synchro software to calculate optimal network cycle lengths and signal offsets for the four corridors, CivTech was able to achieve progression for the corridors for all periods reviewed and evaluated. The study parameters used existing information to the extent possible and estimated traffic volumes for the off-peak (i.e. late evening and nighttime) hours.
  • CivTech designed a traffic signal for the intersection of Meeker Boulevard/Camino Del Sol in accordance with the MCDOT guidelines. In addition to the signal design, intersection modifications to add curb returns on the northeast and northwest corners were completed. CivTech prepared the final plans, specifications, and estimates for installation that permitted MCDOT to advertise for bids.
  • CivTech developed design plans at the following MCDOT signalized intersections: Boswell Boulevard/103rd Avenue, Alabama Avenue/99th Avenue, Alabama Avenue/107th Avenue and Meeker Boulevard/135th Avenue. CivTech worked closely with the MCDOT staff to prepare traffic signal upgrade and interconnect plans, specifications, and estimates of probable cost for the four intersections for the purposes of installing new TS-2 controllers/cabinets and communication between the intersection controllers and the MCDOT TMC. The task also included detection upgrades.

This On-Call utilized our range of skills. Due to our participation and excellent service on this contract, CivTech was awarded an additional Candidate Assessment Report on-call with the County as a subconsultant to Ritoch-Powell and Associates.

Maricopa County Department of Transportation On-Call Traffic Engineering Services, Maricopa County

Centerra Signing and Pavement Marking, Goodyear

CivTech completed the Centerra signing and pavement marking plans, which incorporated designs for both the first and second phases of this development. This project includes over two miles of signing and pavement marking with several project transitions and a two-lane roundabout within this mixed-use development. Coordination with on-going Maricopa County public improvements along Van Buren Street and Estrella Parkway allowed for a seamless transition into and throughout the development. The success of this project, as with many roundabouts, was largely based on the proper type, location and number of signs. This project highlights CivTech’s engineering design skills in the completion of the complex signing and pavement marking plans.

Centerra Signing and Pavement Marking, Goodyear

SR 287 and Henness Road Traffic Signal Modification, Casa Grande

This project included completing the traffic signal modification for the intersection of SR 287 and Henness Road, which is located in the City of Casa Grande but maintained by the Arizona Department of Transportation. The existing intersection was configured as a “tee.” Development brought a fourth leg to the intersection, requiring modifications to the existing intersection including signalization in the northbound direction. This project included survey, data collection, signal modification plans, signing and pavement marking plans, specifications, and an engineer’s estimate of probable construction costs. CivTech also prepared the signal timing using Synchro software.

SR 287 and Henness Road Traffic Signal Modification, Casa Grande